
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Wisdom of Aries 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
What is ready to wake up within you at the beginning of Spring?
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, explores the esoteric wisdom of Aries and the inner equilibrium we need to maintain to wake up and shine in balance from Spring Equinox onward, while the Sun is visiting the house of the Ram (March 20 – April 19).
The show ends with guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of live show, aired on Sunday, March 19, 2017, at 9 pm EDT.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name: www.hamoves.net/dynamic-name/
- Explore the soulful tools: www.hamoves.net/soulful-tools/
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy: www.hAmoves.net
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC: www.hamoves.net/eurythmy-circles-nyc/
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.
Go deeper to shine brighter.
Be inspired to inspire.

Monday Mar 13, 2017
Dynamic Name Mandala
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Dynamic Name Mandala:
Astrology in Your Name
Do you know that your name holds a key to who you are and a secret to your purpose in this lifetime?
Each letter of your name sings, shines with its own color, and vibrates with the energy of planets and constellations. Vowels sing with the Planets; consonants dance with the Stars.
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, talks about her signature Dynamic Name Mandala, a unique name and birth chart analysis, based on the insights from eurythmy, the art of harmonious movement. It uncovers the astrology hidden in your name, and reveals a fresh dimension of who you are. We look at Oprah Winfrey's full name and birth chart as an example.
The show ends with guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of the live show, aired on Sunday Mar-12-2017 at 9 pm EDT.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name: www.hamoves.net/dynamic-name/
- Explore the soulful tools: www.hamoves.net/soulful-tools/
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy: www.hAmoves.net
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC: www.hamoves.net/eurythmy-circles-nyc/
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.

Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Wisdom of Consonants and Stars
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
What stars vibrate through the consonants in your name?
Each letter of your name sings, shines with its own color, and vibrates with the energy of planets and constellations. Vowels sing with the Planets; consonants dance with the Stars.
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, explores the esoteric wisdom of the consonants and the Zodiac. You will be guided through the Esoteric Consonants Meditation to help you consciously connect with the cosmic influences of the consonants.
The show will end with guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of the live show, aired on Sunday Mar-05-2017 at 9 pm EST.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name: www.hamoves.net/dynamic-name/
- Explore the soulful tools: www.hamoves.net/soulful-tools/
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy: www.hAmoves.net
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC: www.hamoves.net/eurythmy-circles-nyc/
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.

Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Wisdom of Vowels and Planets
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
What planets sing through the vowels in your name?
Each letter of your name sings, shines with its own color, and vibrates with the energy of planets and constellations. Vowels sing with the Planets; consonants dance with the Stars.
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, explores the esoteric wisdom of the vowels and the planets, and the insights they reveal. You will be guided through the Esoteric Vowels Meditation to help you consciously connect with the planetary influences of the vowels.
And the show will end with guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of the live show, aired on Sunday Feb-26-2017 at 9 pm EST.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name: www.hamoves.net/dynamic-name/
- Explore the soulful tools: www.hamoves.net/soulful-tools/
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy: www.hAmoves.net
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC: www.hamoves.net/eurythmy-circles-nyc/
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.

Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Wisdom of the Pisces 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
What dreams are stirring within you in the final weeks of Winter?
Soulful Wizardess Marta StembeRger, MA, explores the esoteric wisdom of the Pisces and the inner processes we need to go through now—while the Sun is visiting the house of Pisces (February 18 – March 19)—to assist the dreams to be ready to awake at the end of Winter, on Spring Equinox.
And you will be guided through a harmonious movement meditation at the end of the show.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of the live show, aired on Sunday Feb-19-2017 at 9 pm EST.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name: www.hamoves.net/dynamic-name/
- Explore the soulful tools: www.hamoves.net/soulful-tools/
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy: www.hAmoves.net
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC: www.hamoves.net/eurythmy-circles-nyc/
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Shine in Love
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Why do we fall in love, instead of standing lovingly in union with the other person?
Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger explores the flow of energy in relationships with ourselves, the spiritual world, and with each other, based on harmonious movement meditation and dynamic name astrology analysis.
The show ends with guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
- Learn more about Marta’s signature Dynamic Name™ Mandala, Astrology in Your Name
- Explore the Marta's soulful tools
- Browse Marta’s website hAmoves eurythmy
- Come to eurythmy circles in NYC
- Click here to join Marta’s Friends and receive free gifts.
Go deeper to shine brighter. Be inspired to inspire.

Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Soul’s Journey through the Seasons
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Soul's Journey through the Seasons,
Why the New Year Resolutions Don't Work
Have you noticed how a bright sunny day can change your mood? We awaken when touched by expressions in Nature. Tune into the breathing cycles of the Earth and the Sky to find your own unique flow in life.
Learn how you can re-connect with the energies of the Sun and the Moon, the planets and the stars, based on the insights by Rudolf Steiner in the Calendar of the Soul and the harmonious movement art of eurythmy.
The show begins with Marta’s verse for the upcoming week, and ends with a guided harmonious movement meditation.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.
This is a recording of live show, aired on Sunday, January 15, 2017, at 9 pm EST.
And sometimes… we all need some soulful tools to stay on the enlightened path.
- Free guided harmonious movement meditation for a more enlightened New Year
- 20% discount on the printed edition of the Soulful Sparks Calendar 2017
Go deeper to shine brighter.
Be inspired to inspire.

Sunday Jan 15, 2017
About Soulful Sparks Radio
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Soulful Sparks Radio… interweaves spirituality and harmonious movement art of eurythmy to offer soulful tools for personal growth… for all of you who crave a deeper and more satisfying spiritual engagement.
Live show airs every Sunday at 9 pm EST at ZenoLive, and the recording is then published as a podcast at PodBean.
Listeners are encouraged to call (701) 719-4304 during the live show with questions, comments, and to receive free sample reading of their first name.
Inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s work, Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, MA, talks about the Soul’s journey through the seasons, harmonious movement art of eurythmy, dynamic name astrology. Special guests are invited to discuss various related themes.
Each show begins with Marta’s verse for the upcoming week, and ends with a guided harmonious movement meditation.
Be inspired to inspire. Go deeper to shine brighter.
Because sometimes…
all you need is
a kind word, a gentle nudge
to keep your inner flame alive.